9 Comparison of TransPropy with Other Tool Packages Using Funkyheatmap
9.1 library
9.2 load data
# Load CSV files
<- read_csv("../test_TransProR/four_methods_degs_union_combined_features.csv")
four_methods_degs_union_combined_features <- read_csv("../test_TransProR/all_degs_count_exp_gene_feature_auc_mapping_0.5_0.9.csv")
all_degs_count_exp_gene_feature_auc_mapping_0_5_0_9 <- read_csv("../test_TransProR/all_degs_count_exp_gene_feature_auc_mapping_0.9.csv")
# Extract features and genes
<- four_methods_degs_union_combined_features$Feature
AutoFeatureSelection <- all_degs_count_exp_gene_feature_auc_mapping_0_5_0_9$Gene
NewMACFCmain_0_5_0_9 <- all_degs_count_exp_gene_feature_auc_mapping_0_9$Gene
# Combine gene lists
<- c(NewMACFCmain_0_5_0_9, NewMACFCmain_0_9)
# Load RDS files
<- readRDS("../test_TransProR/Select DEGs/DEG_deseq2.Rdata")
DEG_deseq2 <- readRDS("../test_TransProR/Select DEGs/DEG_edgeR.Rdata")
DEG_edgeR <- readRDS("../test_TransProR/Select DEGs/DEG_limma_voom.Rdata")
DEG_limma_voom <- readRDS("../test_TransProR/Select DEGs/Wilcoxon_rank_sum_testoutRst.Rdata")
# Remove duplicates
<- unique(AutoFeatureSelection)
AutoFeatureSelection <- unique(NewMACFCmain)
# Intersection
<- intersect(AutoFeatureSelection, NewMACFCmain)
TransPropy_intersection print(TransPropy_intersection)
# Union
<- union(AutoFeatureSelection, NewMACFCmain) TransPropy_union_list
9.3 To ensure a relatively fair comparison, the number of features extracted by the other four methods is equal to the number of features in the TransPropy_union_list.
9.3.1 Assuming Your Data is Stored in the Data Frame Variable DEG_deseq2
# Set filtering parameters
<- "pvalue"
p_val_col <- "log2FoldChange"
log_fc_col <- 0.01
p_val_threshold <- 2635 # Top N genes
# Check if the specified columns exist in the data frame
if (!(p_val_col %in% names(DEG_deseq2))) {
stop(paste("Column", p_val_col, "not found in the data frame."))
if (!(log_fc_col %in% names(DEG_deseq2))) {
stop(paste("Column", log_fc_col, "not found in the data frame."))
# Filter data: first by p-value threshold
<- DEG_deseq2 %>%
filtered_data filter(!!sym(p_val_col) < p_val_threshold)
# Check if the number of filtered genes is greater than N
if (nrow(filtered_data) > N) {
# Sort by the absolute value of log2FoldChange and take the top N genes
<- filtered_data %>%
deseq2_filtered_data arrange(desc(abs(!!sym(log_fc_col)))) %>%
# Add row names as a new column "gene"
<- deseq2_filtered_data %>%
deseq2_filtered_data mutate(gene = rownames(deseq2_filtered_data))
# Remove row names
rownames(deseq2_filtered_data) <- NULL
9.3.2 Assuming Your Data is Stored in the Data Frame Variable DEG_edgeR
# Set filtering parameters
<- "PValue"
p_val_col <- "logFC"
log_fc_col <- 0.01
p_val_threshold <- 2635 # Top N genes
# Check if the specified columns exist in the data frame
if (!(p_val_col %in% names(DEG_edgeR))) {
stop(paste("Column", p_val_col, "not found in the data frame."))
if (!(log_fc_col %in% names(DEG_edgeR))) {
stop(paste("Column", log_fc_col, "not found in the data frame."))
# Filter data: first by p-value threshold
<- DEG_edgeR %>%
filtered_data filter(!!sym(p_val_col) < p_val_threshold)
# Check if the number of filtered genes is greater than N
if (nrow(filtered_data) > N) {
# Sort by the absolute value of log2FoldChange and take the top N genes
<- filtered_data %>%
edgeR_filtered_data arrange(desc(abs(!!sym(log_fc_col)))) %>%
# Add row names as a new column "gene"
<- edgeR_filtered_data %>%
edgeR_filtered_data mutate(gene = rownames(edgeR_filtered_data))
# Remove row names
rownames(edgeR_filtered_data) <- NULL
9.3.3 Assuming Your Data is Stored in the Data Frame Variable DEG_limma_voom
# Set filtering parameters
<- "P.Value"
p_val_col <- "logFC"
log_fc_col <- 0.01
p_val_threshold <- 2635 # Top N genes
# Check if the specified columns exist in the data frame
if (!(p_val_col %in% names(DEG_limma_voom))) {
stop(paste("Column", p_val_col, "not found in the data frame."))
if (!(log_fc_col %in% names(DEG_limma_voom))) {
stop(paste("Column", log_fc_col, "not found in the data frame."))
# Filter data: first by p-value threshold
<- DEG_limma_voom %>%
filtered_data filter(!!sym(p_val_col) < p_val_threshold)
# Check if the number of filtered genes is greater than N
if (nrow(filtered_data) > N) {
# Sort by the absolute value of log2FoldChange and take the top N genes
<- filtered_data %>%
limma_filtered_data arrange(desc(abs(!!sym(log_fc_col)))) %>%
# Add row names as a new column "gene"
<- limma_filtered_data %>%
limma_filtered_data mutate(gene = rownames(limma_filtered_data))
# Remove row names
rownames(limma_filtered_data) <- NULL
9.3.4 Assuming Your Data is Stored in the Data Frame Variable outRst
# Set filtering parameters
<- "pValues"
p_val_col <- "log2foldChange"
log_fc_col <- 0.01
p_val_threshold <- 2635 # Top N genes
# Check if the specified columns exist in the data frame
if (!(p_val_col %in% names(outRst))) {
stop(paste("Column", p_val_col, "not found in the data frame."))
if (!(log_fc_col %in% names(outRst))) {
stop(paste("Column", log_fc_col, "not found in the data frame."))
# Filter data: first by p-value threshold
<- outRst %>%
filtered_data filter(!!sym(p_val_col) < p_val_threshold)
# Check if the number of filtered genes is greater than N
if (nrow(filtered_data) > N) {
# Sort by the absolute value of log2FoldChange and take the top N genes
<- filtered_data %>%
outRst_filtered_data arrange(desc(abs(!!sym(log_fc_col)))) %>%
# Add row names as a new column "gene" and remove row names
<- outRst_filtered_data %>%
outRst_filtered_data mutate(gene = rownames(outRst_filtered_data))
# Remove row names
rownames(outRst_filtered_data) <- NULL
<- readRDS("../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_TCGA_exp_tumor.rds")
tumor <- readRDS('../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_Normal_TCGA_GTEX_count.rds')
normal # Merge the datasets, ensuring both have genes as row names
<- merge(tumor, normal, by = "row.names")
all_count_exp <- tibble::column_to_rownames(all_count_exp, var = "Row.names") # Set the row names
# log_transform
<- log_transform(all_count_exp)
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- deseq2_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
deseq2 <- as.data.frame(t(deseq2))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- edgeR_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
edgeR <- as.data.frame(t(edgeR))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- limma_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
limma <- as.data.frame(t(limma))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
outRst <- as.data.frame(t(outRst))
<- all_count_exp[TransPropy_union_list, ]
TransPropy <- as.data.frame(t(TransPropy)) TransPropy
9.4 prepare data
<- readRDS("../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_TCGA_exp_tumor.rds")
tumor <- readRDS('../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_Normal_TCGA_GTEX_count.rds')
normal # Merge the datasets, ensuring both have genes as row names
<- merge(tumor, normal, by = "row.names")
all_count_exp <- tibble::column_to_rownames(all_count_exp, var = "Row.names") # Set the row names
# log_transform
<- log_transform(all_count_exp)
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- deseq2_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
deseq2 <- as.data.frame(t(deseq2))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- edgeR_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
edgeR <- as.data.frame(t(edgeR))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
<- limma_filtered_data$gene
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
limma <- as.data.frame(t(limma))
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
gene_names # Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
<- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
outRst <- as.data.frame(t(outRst))
<- all_count_exp[TransPropy_union_list, ]
TransPropy <- as.data.frame(t(TransPropy)) TransPropy
9.5 Finding Genes Common to All Methods
<- colnames(deseq2)
deseq2list <- colnames(edgeR)
edgeRlist <- colnames(limma)
limmalist <- colnames(outRst)
<- list(AutoFeatureSelection, NewMACFCmain, deseq2list, edgeRlist, limmalist, outRstlist)
lists <- Reduce(intersect, lists)
TransPro_all print(TransPro_all)
9.6 Calculating the Positive and Negative Correlation Ratio for Each Gene with All Other Genes
9.6.1 TransPropy
<- data.frame()
# Loop through each gene name
for (gene in TransPro_all) {
# Prepare a temporary data frame for the loop
<- data.frame()
# Get the data for the current gene
<- as.numeric(TransPropy[, gene])
# Get the list of genes
<- colnames(TransPropy)
# For loop to calculate correlation
for (i in 1:length(genelist)) {
# Calculate correlation
<- cor.test(genedata, as.numeric(TransPropy[, i]), method = "spearman")
# Fill the temporary data frame
1] <- gene
correlation[i, 2] <- genelist[i]
correlation[i, 3] <- dd$estimate
correlation[i, 4] <- dd$p.value
# Set column names for the temporary data frame
colnames(correlation) <- c("gene1", "gene2", "cor", "p.value")
# Remove NA values
<- na.omit(correlation)
# Write to file (if needed, uncomment)
# write.table(correlation, file = paste0("correlation_", gene, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = TRUE)
# Calculate the number of correlations with an absolute value greater than the threshold
<- 0.5
N <- sum(abs(correlation$cor) > N)
TransPropycount <- sum(correlation$cor > N)
TransPropycountup <- sum(correlation$cor < -N)
# Print results
print(paste("TransPropyGene:", gene,
"TransPropycount:", TransPropycount,
"TransPropycountup:", TransPropycountup,
"TransPropycountdown:", TransPropycountdown))
# Add results to the final result data frame
<- rbind(TransPropy_final_result, data.frame(
TransPropy_final_result gene = gene,
TransPropycount = TransPropycount,
TransPropycountup = TransPropycountup,
TransPropycountdown = TransPropycountdown))
# Set column names for the final result data frame
colnames(TransPropy_final_result) <- c("gene", "TransPropycount", "TransPropycountup", "TransPropycountdown")
# View the final result
# Write the final result to a file
# write.table(TransPropy_final_result, file = "TransPropy_final_correlation_TransPropy.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# Calculate ratios
$TransPropycountup_ratio <- TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycountup / TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycount
TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycountdown_ratio <- TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycountdown / TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycount TransPropy_final_result
9.6.2 deseq2
<- data.frame()
# Loop through each gene name
for (gene in TransPro_all) {
# Prepare a temporary data frame for the loop
<- data.frame()
# Get the data for the current gene
<- as.numeric(deseq2[, gene])
# Get the list of genes
<- colnames(deseq2)
# For loop to calculate correlation
for (i in 1:length(genelist)) {
# Calculate correlation
<- cor.test(genedata, as.numeric(deseq2[, i]), method = "spearman")
# Fill the temporary data frame
1] <- gene
correlation[i, 2] <- genelist[i]
correlation[i, 3] <- dd$estimate
correlation[i, 4] <- dd$p.value
# Set column names for the temporary data frame
colnames(correlation) <- c("gene1", "gene2", "cor", "p.value")
# Remove NA values
<- na.omit(correlation)
# Write to file (if needed, uncomment)
# write.table(correlation, file = paste0("correlation_", gene, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = TRUE)
# Calculate the number of correlations with an absolute value greater than the threshold
<- 0.5
N <- sum(abs(correlation$cor) > N)
deseq2count <- sum(correlation$cor > N)
deseq2countup <- sum(correlation$cor < -N)
# Print results
print(paste("deseq2Gene:", gene,
"deseq2count:", deseq2count,
"deseq2countup:", deseq2countup,
"deseq2countdown:", deseq2countdown))
# Add results to the final result data frame
<- rbind(deseq2_final_result, data.frame(
deseq2_final_result gene = gene,
deseq2count = deseq2count,
deseq2countup = deseq2countup,
deseq2countdown = deseq2countdown))
# Set column names for the final result data frame
colnames(deseq2_final_result) <- c("gene", "deseq2count", "deseq2countup", "deseq2countdown")
# View the final result
# Write the final result to a file
# write.table(deseq2_final_result, file = "deseq2_final_correlation_TransPropy.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# Calculate ratios
$deseq2countup_ratio <- deseq2_final_result$deseq2countup / deseq2_final_result$deseq2count
deseq2_final_result$deseq2countdown_ratio <- deseq2_final_result$deseq2countdown / deseq2_final_result$deseq2count deseq2_final_result
9.6.3 edgeR
<- data.frame()
# Loop through each gene name
for (gene in TransPro_all) {
# Prepare a temporary data frame for the loop
<- data.frame()
# Get the data for the current gene
<- as.numeric(edgeR[, gene])
# Get the list of genes
<- colnames(edgeR)
# For loop to calculate correlation
for (i in 1:length(genelist)) {
# Calculate correlation
<- cor.test(genedata, as.numeric(edgeR[, i]), method = "spearman")
# Fill the temporary data frame
1] <- gene
correlation[i, 2] <- genelist[i]
correlation[i, 3] <- dd$estimate
correlation[i, 4] <- dd$p.value
# Set column names for the temporary data frame
colnames(correlation) <- c("gene1", "gene2", "cor", "p.value")
# Remove NA values
<- na.omit(correlation)
# Write to file (if needed, uncomment)
# write.table(correlation, file = paste0("correlation_", gene, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = TRUE)
# Calculate the number of correlations with an absolute value greater than the threshold
<- 0.5
N <- sum(abs(correlation$cor) > N)
edgeRcount <- sum(correlation$cor > N)
edgeRcountup <- sum(correlation$cor < -N)
# Print results
print(paste("edgeRGene:", gene,
"edgeRcount:", edgeRcount,
"edgeRcountup:", edgeRcountup,
"edgeRcountdown:", edgeRcountdown))
# Add results to the final result data frame
<- rbind(edgeR_final_result, data.frame(
edgeR_final_result gene = gene,
edgeRcount = edgeRcount,
edgeRcountup = edgeRcountup,
edgeRcountdown = edgeRcountdown))
# Set column names for the final result data frame
colnames(edgeR_final_result) <- c("gene", "edgeRcount", "edgeRcountup", "edgeRcountdown")
# View the final result
# Write the final result to a file
# write.table(edgeR_final_result, file = "edgeR_final_correlation.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# Calculate ratios
$edgeRcountup_ratio <- edgeR_final_result$edgeRcountup / edgeR_final_result$edgeRcount
edgeR_final_result$edgeRcountdown_ratio <- edgeR_final_result$edgeRcountdown / edgeR_final_result$edgeRcount edgeR_final_result
9.6.4 limma
<- data.frame()
# Loop through each gene name
for (gene in TransPro_all) {
# Prepare a temporary data frame for the loop
<- data.frame()
# Get the data for the current gene
<- as.numeric(limma[, gene])
# Get the list of genes
<- colnames(limma)
# For loop to calculate correlation
for (i in 1:length(genelist)) {
# Calculate correlation
<- cor.test(genedata, as.numeric(limma[, i]), method = "spearman")
# Fill the temporary data frame
1] <- gene
correlation[i, 2] <- genelist[i]
correlation[i, 3] <- dd$estimate
correlation[i, 4] <- dd$p.value
# Set column names for the temporary data frame
colnames(correlation) <- c("gene1", "gene2", "cor", "p.value")
# Remove NA values
<- na.omit(correlation)
# Write to file (if needed, uncomment)
# write.table(correlation, file = paste0("correlation_", gene, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = TRUE)
# Calculate the number of correlations with an absolute value greater than the threshold
<- 0.5
N <- sum(abs(correlation$cor) > N)
limmacount <- sum(correlation$cor > N)
limmacountup <- sum(correlation$cor < -N)
# Print results
print(paste("limmaGene:", gene,
"limmacount:", limmacount,
"limmacountup:", limmacountup,
"limmacountdown:", limmacountdown))
# Add results to the final result data frame
<- rbind(limma_final_result, data.frame(
limma_final_result gene = gene,
limmacount = limmacount,
limmacountup = limmacountup,
limmacountdown = limmacountdown))
# Set column names for the final result data frame
colnames(limma_final_result) <- c("gene", "limmacount", "limmacountup", "limmacountdown")
# View the final result
# Write the final result to a file
# write.table(limma_final_result, file = "limma_final_correlation.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# Calculate ratios
$limmacountup_ratio <- limma_final_result$limmacountup / limma_final_result$limmacount
limma_final_result$limmacountdown_ratio <- limma_final_result$limmacountdown / limma_final_result$limmacount limma_final_result
9.6.5 outRst
<- data.frame()
# Loop through each gene name
for (gene in TransPro_all) {
# Prepare a temporary data frame for the loop
<- data.frame()
# Get the data for the current gene
<- as.numeric(outRst[, gene])
# Get the list of genes
<- colnames(outRst)
# For loop to calculate correlation
for (i in 1:length(genelist)) {
# Calculate correlation
<- cor.test(genedata, as.numeric(outRst[, i]), method = "spearman")
# Fill the temporary data frame
1] <- gene
correlation[i, 2] <- genelist[i]
correlation[i, 3] <- dd$estimate
correlation[i, 4] <- dd$p.value
# Set column names for the temporary data frame
colnames(correlation) <- c("gene1", "gene2", "cor", "p.value")
# Remove NA values
<- na.omit(correlation)
# Write to file (if needed, uncomment)
# write.table(correlation, file = paste0("correlation_", gene, ".csv"), sep = ",", row.names = TRUE)
# Calculate the number of correlations with an absolute value greater than the threshold
<- 0.5
N <- sum(abs(correlation$cor) > N)
outRstcount <- sum(correlation$cor > N)
outRstcountup <- sum(correlation$cor < -N)
# Print results
print(paste("outRstGene:", gene,
"outRstcount:", outRstcount,
"outRstcountup:", outRstcountup,
"outRstcountdown:", outRstcountdown))
# Add results to the final result data frame
<- rbind(outRst_final_result, data.frame(
outRst_final_result gene = gene,
outRstcount = outRstcount,
outRstcountup = outRstcountup,
outRstcountdown = outRstcountdown))
# Set column names for the final result data frame
colnames(outRst_final_result) <- c("gene", "outRstcount", "outRstcountup", "outRstcountdown")
# View the final result
# Write the final result to a file
# write.table(outRst_final_result, file = "outRst_final_correlation.csv", sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)
# Calculate ratios
$outRstcountup_ratio <- outRst_final_result$outRstcountup / outRst_final_result$outRstcount
outRst_final_result$outRstcountdown_ratio <- outRst_final_result$outRstcountdown / outRst_final_result$outRstcount outRst_final_result
9.7 funkyheatmap
# Calculate the average of the last two columns
<- mean(outRst_final_result$outRstcountup_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_outRstcountup_ratio <- mean(outRst_final_result$outRstcountdown_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_outRstcountdown_ratio # Print the averages
print(paste("Average of outRstcountup_ratio: ", avg_outRstcountup_ratio))
print(paste("Average of outRstcountdown_ratio: ", avg_outRstcountdown_ratio))
# Calculate the average of the last two columns
<- mean(limma_final_result$limmacountup_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_limmacountup_ratio <- mean(limma_final_result$limmacountdown_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_limmacountdown_ratio # Print the averages
print(paste("Average of limmacountup_ratio: ", avg_limmacountup_ratio))
print(paste("Average of limmacountdown_ratio: ", avg_limmacountdown_ratio))
# Calculate the average of the last two columns
<- mean(edgeR_final_result$edgeRcountup_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_edgeRcountup_ratio <- mean(edgeR_final_result$edgeRcountdown_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_edgeRcountdown_ratio # Print the averages
print(paste("Average of edgeRcountup_ratio: ", avg_edgeRcountup_ratio))
print(paste("Average of edgeRcountdown_ratio: ", avg_edgeRcountdown_ratio))
# Calculate the average of the last two columns
<- mean(deseq2_final_result$deseq2countup_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_deseq2countup_ratio <- mean(deseq2_final_result$deseq2countdown_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_deseq2countdown_ratio # Print the averages
print(paste("Average of deseq2countup_ratio: ", avg_deseq2countup_ratio))
print(paste("Average of deseq2countdown_ratio: ", avg_deseq2countdown_ratio))
# Calculate the average of the last two columns
<- mean(TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycountup_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_TransPropycountup_ratio <- mean(TransPropy_final_result$TransPropycountdown_ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
avg_TransPropycountdown_ratio # Print the averages
print(paste("Average of TransPropycountup_ratio: ", avg_TransPropycountup_ratio))
print(paste("Average of TransPropycountdown_ratio: ", avg_TransPropycountdown_ratio))
# First, list all your data frames
<- list(deseq2_final_result, edgeR_final_result, limma_final_result, outRst_final_result, TransPropy_final_result)
# Use reduce function from purrr package to merge them by "gene" column
<- purrr::reduce(data_frames, function(x, y) merge(x, y, by = "gene"))
# Get column names
<- colnames(merged_df)
# Create the ALL row
<- c(2635, 2635, 2635, 1, 1)
all_values <- rep(all_values, length.out = length(columns) - 1)
all_values_repeated <- as.data.frame(t(all_values_repeated))
all_row colnames(all_row) <- columns[-1]
<- cbind(gene = "ALL", all_row)
# Create the HALF row (half of the ALL row values)
<- all_row
half_row -1] <- half_row[,-1] / 2
half_row[,$gene <- "HALF"
# Create the QUARTER row (quarter of the ALL row values)
<- all_row
quarter_row -1] <- quarter_row[,-1] / 4
quarter_row[,$gene <- "QUARTER"
# Create the ZERO row (all values are 0)
<- rep(0, length.out = length(columns) - 1)
Zero_values_repeated <- as.data.frame(t(Zero_values_repeated))
Zero_row colnames(Zero_row) <- columns[-1]
<- cbind(gene = "ZERO", Zero_row)
# Calculate the average values for each column, ignoring the first column (gene column)
<- colMeans(merged_df[,-1], na.rm = TRUE)
average_values <- data.frame(gene = "AVERAGE", t(average_values))
# Add the ALL, HALF, QUARTER, ZERO, and AVERAGE rows to the data frame
<- bind_rows(merged_df, all_row, half_row, quarter_row, Zero_row, average_row)
# Print the merged data frame
# Rename the first column from "gene" to "id"
<- merged_df %>%
merged_df rename(id = gene)
# Format values: keep integers for values >= 1, and two decimal places for values < 1
<- function(x) {
format_value ifelse(x >= 1, as.integer(x), round(x, 2))
# Apply the formatting function
<- merged_df %>%
df_formatted mutate(across(where(is.numeric), format_value))
# Print the formatted data frame
9.8 Start drawing
9.8.1 name is the text displayed in the final image, which can be changed freely, but ~id must be accurate without any errors. The ~group can be repeated and is used to further merge ~id, assisting in the generation of column_groups in subsequent steps.
<- tribble(
column_info ~id, ~group, ~name, ~geom, ~palette, ~options,
"id", "", "", "text", NA, list(hjust = 0, width = 8),
"deseq2count", "deseq2count", "Count", "funkyrect", "palette1", list(legend = F),
"deseq2countup", "deseq2countup", "CountUp", "funkyrect", "palette1", list(legend = F),
"deseq2countdown", "deseq2countdown", "CountDown", "funkyrect", "palette1", list(legend = F),
"deseq2countup_ratio", "deseq2countup_ratio", "UpRatio", "bar", "palette1", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"deseq2countup_ratio", "deseq2countup_ratio", "UpRatio", "text", "palette1", list(width = 3),
"deseq2countdown_ratio", "deseq2countdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "bar", "palette1", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"deseq2countdown_ratio", "deseq2countdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "text", "palette1", list(width = 3),
"edgeRcount", "edgeRcount", "Count", "circle", "palette2", list(legend = F),
"edgeRcountup", "edgeRcountup", "CountUp", "circle", "palette2", list(legend = F),
"edgeRcountdown", "edgeRcountdown", "CountDown", "circle", "palette2", list(legend = F),
"edgeRcountup_ratio", "edgeRcountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "bar", "palette2", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"edgeRcountup_ratio", "edgeRcountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "text", "palette2", list(width = 3),
"edgeRcountdown_ratio", "edgeRcountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "bar", "palette2", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"edgeRcountdown_ratio", "edgeRcountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "text", "palette2", list(width = 3),
"limmacount", "limmacount", "Count", "funkyrect", "palette3", list(legend = F),
"limmacountup", "limmacountup", "CountUp", "funkyrect", "palette3", list(legend = F),
"limmacountdown", "limmacountdown", "CountDown", "funkyrect", "palette3", list(legend = F),
"limmacountup_ratio", "limmacountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "bar", "palette3", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"limmacountup_ratio", "limmacountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "text", "palette3", list(width = 3),
"limmacountdown_ratio", "limmacountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "bar", "palette3", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"limmacountdown_ratio", "limmacountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "text", "palette3", list(width = 3),
"outRstcount", "outRstcount", "Count", "circle", "palette4", list(legend = F),
"outRstcountup", "outRstcountup", "CountUp", "circle", "palette4", list(legend = F),
"outRstcountdown", "outRstcountdown", "CountDown", "circle", "palette4", list(legend = F),
"outRstcountup_ratio", "outRstcountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "bar", "palette4", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"outRstcountup_ratio", "outRstcountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "text", "palette4", list(width = 3),
"outRstcountdown_ratio", "outRstcountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "bar", "palette4", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"outRstcountdown_ratio", "outRstcountdown_ratio", "DownRatio", "text", "palette4", list(width = 3),
"TransPropycount", "TransPropycount", "Count", "funkyrect", "palette5", list(legend = F),
"TransPropycountup", "TransPropycountup", "CountUp", "funkyrect", "palette5", list(legend = F),
"TransPropycountdown", "TransPropycountdown", "CountDown", "funkyrect", "palette5", list(legend = F),
"TransPropycountup_ratio", "TransPropycountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "bar", "palette5", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"TransPropycountup_ratio", "TransPropycountup_ratio", "UpRatio", "text", "palette5", list(width = 3),
"TransPropycountdown_ratio","TransPropycountdown_ratio","DownRatio", "bar", "palette5", list(width = 3, legend = F),
"TransPropycountdown_ratio","TransPropycountdown_ratio","DownRatio", "text", "palette5", list(width = 3)
9.8.2 ~Category and ~Experiment are the text on the final image and can be customized freely.
<- tribble(
column_groups ~Experiment, ~Category, ~group, ~palette,
"deseq2", "count", "deseq2count", "palette1",
"deseq2", "count", "deseq2countup", "palette1",
"deseq2", "count", "deseq2countdown", "palette1",
"deseq2", "ratio", "deseq2countup_ratio", "palette1",
"deseq2", "ratio", "deseq2countdown_ratio", "palette1",
"edgeR", "count", "edgeRcount", "palette2",
"edgeR", "count", "edgeRcountup", "palette2",
"edgeR", "count", "edgeRcountdown", "palette2",
"edgeR", "ratio", "edgeRcountup_ratio", "palette2",
"edgeR", "ratio", "edgeRcountdown_ratio", "palette2",
"limma", "count", "limmacount", "palette3",
"limma", "count", "limmacountup", "palette3",
"limma", "count", "limmacountdown", "palette3",
"limma", "ratio", "limmacountup_ratio", "palette3",
"limma", "ratio", "limmacountdown_ratio", "palette3",
"outRst", "count", "outRstcount", "palette4",
"outRst", "count", "outRstcountup", "palette4",
"outRst", "count", "outRstcountdown", "palette4",
"outRst", "ratio", "outRstcountup_ratio", "palette4",
"outRst", "ratio", "outRstcountdown_ratio", "palette4",
"TransPropy", "count", "TransPropycount", "palette5",
"TransPropy", "count", "TransPropycountup", "palette5",
"TransPropy", "count", "TransPropycountdown", "palette5",
"TransPropy", "ratio", "TransPropycountup_ratio","palette5",
"TransPropy", "ratio", "TransPropycountdown_ratio","palette5",
<- tribble(
row_info ~group, ~id,
"GENE", "A2ML1",
"GENE", "AC159540.1",
"GENE", "ACAD11",
"GENE", "ADAM33",
"GENE", "AGAP5",
"GENE", "AKAP2",
"GENE", "ALX1",
"GENE", "ANKRD35",
"GENE", "AOX1",
"GENE", "AP000892.6",
"GENE", "ARL17A",
"GENE", "BATF2",
"GENE", "C15orf38-AP3S2",
"GENE", "C17orf49",
"GENE", "C6orf132",
"GENE", "CBWD3",
"GENE", "CD79A",
"GENE", "CFD",
"GENE", "CST6",
"GENE", "CTC-231O11.1",
"GENE", "CTD-2231E14.8",
"GENE", "DKK1",
"GENE", "EIF3C",
"GENE", "FABP5P7",
"GENE", "FGF22",
9.8.3 ~Group is the text in the final image and can be named freely.
<- tribble(
row_groups ~group, ~Group,
"DIFMethods_AVERAGE", "Different Methods"
# Define a function to generate color gradients
<- function(base_color, n) {
generate_palette colorRampPalette(c(base_color, "white"))(n)
# Use the defined function to generate palettes
<- list(
palettes palette1 = (generate_palette("#577d78", 9)),
palette2 = (generate_palette("#bd8452", 9)),
palette3 = (generate_palette("#616b2e", 9)),
palette4 = (generate_palette("#bd988f", 9)),
palette5 = (generate_palette("#5d6c7e", 9))
# Use the funky_heatmap function to generate the plot
data = df_formatted,
column_info = column_info,
column_groups = column_groups,
row_info = row_info,
row_groups = row_groups,
palettes = palettes,
position_args = position_arguments(col_annot_offset = 3.2)
9.9 Methods
- Extract the intersection of genes selected by each method within the five packages (totaling 33 genes).
- For each intersecting gene, calculate the correlation with the remaining genes, and count the total number of genes with an absolute value greater than 0.5, as well as the number of positively and negatively correlated genes.
- Calculate the ratio of positively and negatively correlated genes to the total number of genes with an absolute correlation value greater than 0.5 for each gene.
- Compute the average of all ratios to observe the sensitivity of each method to inter-feature correlations.
9.10 Result
9.11 Discussion
The statistical results indicate that the proportion of genes with a positive correlation and a correlation value greater than 0.5 is higher than the proportion of genes with a negative correlation and a correlation value less than -0.5. There is an imbalance in the number of positively and negatively correlated features.
The statistical results indicate that the proportion of genes with a positive correlation and a correlation value greater than 0.5 is equal to the proportion of genes with a negative correlation and a correlation value less than -0.5. The number of positively and negatively correlated features is very balanced (BEST).
The statistical results indicate that the proportion of genes with a positive correlation and a correlation value greater than 0.5 is higher than the proportion of genes with a negative correlation and a correlation value less than -0.5. There is an imbalance in the number of positively and negatively correlated features.