8  Enrichment ggtree


This image showcases an integrated scientific visualization, centralizing a circular phylogenetic tree with annotated nodes, surrounded by associated heatmaps and bar charts that represent gene expression data and functional pathway enrichments.


8.1 Load data

tumor <- readRDS("../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_TCGA_exp_tumor.rds")
normal <- readRDS('../test_TransProR/generated_data1/removebatch_SKCM_Skin_Normal_TCGA_GTEX_count.rds')
# Merge the datasets, ensuring both have genes as row names
all_count_exp <- merge(tumor, normal, by = "row.names")
all_count_exp <- tibble::column_to_rownames(all_count_exp, var = "Row.names")  # Set the row names

# Drawing data
all_count_exp <- log_transform(all_count_exp)
[1] "log2 transform finished"
DEG_deseq2 <- readRDS('../test_TransProR/Select DEGs/DEG_deseq2.Rdata')
#head(all_count_exp, 1)
head(DEG_deseq2, 5)
          baseMean log2FoldChange      lfcSE      stat pvalue padj change
A1BG      134.6084      -2.549682 0.05677219 -44.91075      0    0   down
A2M     30208.9912       3.251168 0.08394645  38.72907      0    0     up
AADACL2   801.4538      -8.229956 0.18969649 -43.38486      0    0   down
AARS2    1153.5493       1.624753 0.03283522  49.48202      0    0 stable
AARSD1    567.8672      -2.082289 0.02275703 -91.50088      0    0 stable

8.2 Convert from SYMBOL to ENTREZID

# Convert from SYMBOL to ENTREZID for convenient enrichment analysis later. It's crucial to do this now as a direct conversion may result in a reduced set of genes due to non-one-to-one correspondence.

# DEG_deseq2
# Retrieve gene list
gene <- rownames(DEG_deseq2)
# Perform conversion
gene = bitr(gene, fromType="SYMBOL", toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb="org.Hs.eg.db")
'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
Warning in bitr(gene, fromType = "SYMBOL", toType = "ENTREZID", OrgDb =
"org.Hs.eg.db"): 43.37% of input gene IDs are fail to map...
# Remove duplicates and merge
gene <- dplyr::distinct(gene, SYMBOL, .keep_all=TRUE)
# Extract the SYMBOL column as a vector from the first dataset
symbols_vector <- gene$SYMBOL
# Use the SYMBOL column to filter corresponding rows from the second dataset by row names
DEG_deseq2 <- DEG_deseq2[rownames(DEG_deseq2) %in% symbols_vector, ]
head(DEG_deseq2, 5)
          baseMean log2FoldChange      lfcSE      stat pvalue padj change
A1BG      134.6084      -2.549682 0.05677219 -44.91075      0    0   down
A2M     30208.9912       3.251168 0.08394645  38.72907      0    0     up
AADACL2   801.4538      -8.229956 0.18969649 -43.38486      0    0   down
AARS2    1153.5493       1.624753 0.03283522  49.48202      0    0 stable
AARSD1    567.8672      -2.082289 0.02275703 -91.50088      0    0 stable

8.3 Select differentially expressed genes

Diff_deseq2 <- filter_diff_genes(
  p_val_col = "pvalue", 
  log_fc_col = "log2FoldChange",
  p_val_threshold = 0.01, 
  log_fc_threshold = 9.1
# First, obtain a list of gene names from the row names of the first dataset
gene_names <- rownames(Diff_deseq2)
# Find the matching rows in the second dataframe
matched_rows <- all_count_exp[gene_names, ]
# Calculate the mean for each row
averages <- rowMeans(matched_rows, na.rm = TRUE)
# Append the averages as a new column to the first dataframe
Diff_deseq2$average <- averages
Diff_deseq2$ID <- rownames(Diff_deseq2)
Diff_deseq2$changetype <- ifelse(Diff_deseq2$change == 'up', 1, -1)
# Define a small threshold value
small_value <- .Machine$double.xmin
# Before calculating -log10, replace zeroes with the small threshold value and assign it to a new column
Diff_deseq2$log_pvalue <- ifelse(Diff_deseq2$pvalue == 0, -log10(small_value), -log10(Diff_deseq2$pvalue))
# Extract the expression data corresponding to the differentially expressed genes
heatdata_deseq2 <- all_count_exp[rownames(Diff_deseq2), ]
#head(heatdata_deseq2, 1)

8.4 Process heatdata for ggtree plotting

HeatdataDeseq2 <- process_heatdata(
  selection = 2, 
  custom_names = NULL, 
  num_names_per_group = 4, 
  prefix_length = 4
head(HeatdataDeseq2, 5)
                  TCGA_1   TCGA_2   TCGA_3   TCGA_4    GTEX_1    GTEX_2
ADIRF            0.00000  0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 10.426265  7.954196
ATP6V1G2-DDX39B  0.00000  0.00000 0.000000 2.000000  8.044394 10.769011
BANCR           10.82655 10.68299 8.997179 5.491853  0.000000  0.000000
BOLA2            0.00000  0.00000 0.000000 0.000000  6.700440  7.693487
C1QTNF5          0.00000  0.00000 0.000000 0.000000  8.134426  8.658211
                   GTEX_3    GTEX_4
ADIRF           10.194757 10.817783
ATP6V1G2-DDX39B  5.554589  8.335390
BANCR            0.000000  1.000000
BOLA2            6.554589  7.066089
C1QTNF5          7.266787  8.071462

8.5 Check nodes requiring staining

HclustDeseq2 <- hclust(dist(HeatdataDeseq2, method = "euclidean"), method = "complete")
p1 = ggtree(HclustDeseq2, branch.length = 'none', layout = "circular", size = 0.2, xlim = c(30, NA))

# Examine node points, note the x-coordinate in this df (tree_data)
# Convert data generated by ggtree into a dataframe
tree_data <- as.data.frame(p1$data)
p2 <- rotate_tree(p1, 90)
Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
replace the existing one.

# Review nodes
p3 <- p2 + geom_text(aes(label = node)) + geom_tiplab(offset = 1, size = 3, hjust = -0.1)

8.6 Usage Example

# Please replace the following vectors with your specific values
nodes <- c(117, 129, 125, 127, 119, 123, 139, 166, 124, 131, 217) # x-values of the nodes you want to highlight
fill_colors <- c("#CD6600", "#CD6600", "#CD6600", "#CD6600", "#009933", "#009933", "#009933", "#009933", "#9B30FF", "#9B30FF", "#9B30FF") # Fill colors
alpha_values <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3) # Transparency values
extend_values <- c(25, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 24, 24, 25, 24, 24) # Values for the 'extend' parameter

# Now, you can call this function to create your ggtree layer

p2 <- highlight_by_node(


8.7 Diff_deseq2 Enrichment Analysis

8.7.1 Obtain the list of genes

gene <- rownames(Diff_deseq2)
## Convert
gene = bitr(gene, fromType="SYMBOL", toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb="org.Hs.eg.db")
'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
## Remove duplicates and merge
gene <- dplyr::distinct(gene, SYMBOL, .keep_all=TRUE)
gene_df <- data.frame(logFC=Diff_deseq2$log2FoldChange,
                      SYMBOL = rownames(Diff_deseq2))
gene_df <- merge(gene_df, gene, by="SYMBOL")
GO_deseq2 <- gene_df$ENTREZID

8.7.2 GO Analysis for Biological Processes (BP)

# Perform gene enrichment analysis
erich.go.BP_deseq2 <- enrichGO(
  gene = GO_deseq2,
  OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
  keyType = "ENTREZID",
  ont = 'BP', # Other categories: "CC", "MF" for molecular function
  pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  readable = TRUE)
erich.go.BP.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(erich.go.BP_deseq2)
# Uncomment to write output to CSV
# write.csv(erich.go.BP.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/erich.go.BP.outdata.csv")
head(erich.go.BP.outdata_deseq2, 5)
GO:0016064 GO:0016064
GO:0019724 GO:0019724
GO:0002377 GO:0002377
GO:0002449 GO:0002449
GO:0002460 GO:0002460
GO:0016064                                                                                   immunoglobulin mediated immune response
GO:0019724                                                                                                  B cell mediated immunity
GO:0002377                                                                                                 immunoglobulin production
GO:0002449                                                                                              lymphocyte mediated immunity
GO:0002460 adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains
           GeneRatio   BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue
GO:0016064     14/80 205/18870 1.639824e-13 6.821238e-11 6.653066e-11
GO:0019724     14/80 208/18870 2.003300e-13 6.821238e-11 6.653066e-11
GO:0002377     12/80 196/18870 3.655475e-11 8.297927e-09 8.093349e-09
GO:0002449     14/80 368/18870 4.233820e-10 7.208078e-08 7.030369e-08
GO:0002460     14/80 380/18870 6.427551e-10 8.754324e-08 8.538494e-08
GO:0016064 IGHV1-18/IGHV1-24/IGHV1-58/IGHV1-69/IGHV1-69-2/IGHV2-26/IGHV3-15/IGHV3-21/IGHV3-23/IGHV4-31/IGHV4-34/IGHV4-39/IGHV5-51/TREX1
GO:0019724 IGHV1-18/IGHV1-24/IGHV1-58/IGHV1-69/IGHV1-69-2/IGHV2-26/IGHV3-15/IGHV3-21/IGHV3-23/IGHV4-31/IGHV4-34/IGHV4-39/IGHV5-51/TREX1
GO:0002377                          IGKV1-16/IGKV4-1/IGLV1-40/IGLV2-23/IGLV3-10/IGLV3-19/IGLV3-21/IGLV3-25/IGLV4-60/IGLV4-69/TREX1/XBP1
GO:0002449 IGHV1-18/IGHV1-24/IGHV1-58/IGHV1-69/IGHV1-69-2/IGHV2-26/IGHV3-15/IGHV3-21/IGHV3-23/IGHV4-31/IGHV4-34/IGHV4-39/IGHV5-51/TREX1
GO:0002460 IGHV1-18/IGHV1-24/IGHV1-58/IGHV1-69/IGHV1-69-2/IGHV2-26/IGHV3-15/IGHV3-21/IGHV3-23/IGHV4-31/IGHV4-34/IGHV4-39/IGHV5-51/TREX1
GO:0016064    14
GO:0019724    14
GO:0002377    12
GO:0002449    14
GO:0002460    14

8.7.3 GO Analysis for Molecular Functions (MF)

# Perform gene enrichment analysis
erich.go.MF_deseq2 <- enrichGO(
  gene = GO_deseq2,
  OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
  keyType = "ENTREZID",
  ont = 'MF', # Other categories: "CC", "MF" for molecular function
  pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  readable = TRUE)

erich.go.MF.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(erich.go.MF_deseq2)
# Uncomment to write output to CSV
# write.csv(erich.go.MF.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/erich.go.MF.outdata.csv")

head(erich.go.MF.outdata_deseq2, 5)
                   ID                              Description GeneRatio
GO:0003823 GO:0003823                          antigen binding     21/87
GO:0030280 GO:0030280 structural constituent of skin epidermis      4/87
GO:0042826 GO:0042826              histone deacetylase binding      5/87
             BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue
GO:0003823 178/18496 5.857929e-24 7.146673e-22 7.146673e-22
GO:0030280  36/18496 2.397665e-05 1.462576e-03 1.462576e-03
GO:0042826 127/18496 3.322487e-04 1.351145e-02 1.351145e-02
GO:0003823 IGHV1-18/IGHV1-24/IGHV1-58/IGHV1-69/IGHV1-69-2/IGHV2-26/IGHV3-15/IGHV3-21/IGHV3-23/IGHV4-31/IGHV4-34/IGHV4-39/IGHV5-51/IGKV1-16/IGKV4-1/IGLV1-40/IGLV2-23/IGLV3-19/IGLV3-21/IGLV3-25/TRBV28
GO:0030280                                                                                                                                                                   KRT2/KRT71/KRT85/KRTAP1-3
GO:0042826                                                                                                                                                         MAGEA1/MAGEA12/MAGEA3/MAGEA4/MAGEA6
GO:0003823    21
GO:0030280     4
GO:0042826     5

8.7.4 GO Analysis for Cellular Components (CC)

# Perform gene enrichment analysis
erich.go.CC_deseq2 <- enrichGO(
  gene = GO_deseq2,
  OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
  keyType = "ENTREZID",
  ont = 'CC', # Other categories: "CC", "MF" for molecular function
  pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  readable = TRUE)

erich.go.CC.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(erich.go.CC_deseq2)
# Uncomment to write output to CSV
# write.csv(erich.go.CC.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/erich.go.CC.outdata.csv")

8.7.5 KEGG Analysis

kegg.out_deseq2 = enrichKEGG(
  gene = GO_deseq2,
  organism = "hsa",
  keyType = "kegg",
  pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustMethod = "BH",
  qvalueCutoff = 0.05)
Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/link/hsa/pathway"...
Reading KEGG annotation online: "https://rest.kegg.jp/list/pathway/hsa"...
kegg.out.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(kegg.out_deseq2)
# Uncomment to export the data, which are in ENTREZID format
# write.csv(kegg.out.outdata_deseq2, "E:/kegg.out.outdata.csv")

##### Convert numeric Entrez gene IDs or Ensembl gene IDs from above code to symbols
kegg.out1_deseq2 = as.data.frame(kegg.out_deseq2)
ENTREZID = strsplit(kegg.out1_deseq2$geneID, "/")
symbol = sapply(ENTREZID, function(x) {
  y = bitr(x, fromType = "ENTREZID", toType = "SYMBOL", OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db")
  # In case of multiple matches, take the first one
  y = y[!duplicated(y$ENTREZID), -1]
  y = paste(y, collapse = "/")
kegg.out1_deseq2$geneID = symbol
kegg.out1.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(kegg.out1_deseq2)
# Uncomment to export the converted data
# write.csv(kegg.out1.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/kegg.out1.outdata.csv")
head(kegg.out.outdata_deseq2, 5)
 [1] category    subcategory ID          Description GeneRatio   BgRatio    
 [7] pvalue      p.adjust    qvalue      geneID      Count      
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
head(kegg.out1.outdata_deseq2, 5)
 [1] category    subcategory ID          Description GeneRatio   BgRatio    
 [7] pvalue      p.adjust    qvalue      geneID      Count      
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

8.7.6 DO Analysis

erich.go.DO_deseq2 = enrichDO(gene = GO_deseq2,
                              ont = "DO", # Other categories: "CC", "MF" for molecular function
                              pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                              qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
                              readable = TRUE)

erich.go.DO.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(erich.go.DO_deseq2)
# Uncomment to export the data
# write.csv(erich.go.DO.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/erich.go.DO.outdata.csv")
head(erich.go.DO.outdata_deseq2, 5)
                   ID           Description GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue
DOID:11132 DOID:11132 prostatic hypertrophy      3/34 34/10312 0.0001827545
             p.adjust     qvalue               geneID Count
DOID:11132 0.02668216 0.02481614 MAGEA1/MAGEA3/MAGEA4     3

8.7.7 Reactome Pathway Analysis

erich.go.Reactome_deseq2 <- enrichPathway(gene = GO_deseq2, pvalueCutoff = 0.05, readable = TRUE)

erich.go.Reactome.outdata_deseq2 <- as.data.frame(erich.go.Reactome_deseq2)
# Uncomment to export the data
# write.csv(erich.go.Reactome.outdata_deseq2, "E:/fruit/erich.go.Reactome.outdata.csv")
head(erich.go.Reactome.outdata_deseq2, 5)
                         ID                         Description GeneRatio
R-HSA-6805567 R-HSA-6805567                      Keratinization     18/43
R-HSA-6809371 R-HSA-6809371 Formation of the cornified envelope      6/43
                BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue
R-HSA-6805567 214/11009 3.032346e-20 2.850405e-18 2.649312e-18
R-HSA-6809371 129/11009 9.843111e-06 4.626262e-04 4.299885e-04
R-HSA-6809371                                                                                                                CDSN/KRT2/KRT25/KRT35/KRT71/KRT85
R-HSA-6805567    18
R-HSA-6809371     6

8.7.8 Filter and organize data by setting the count values of genes in pathways or by selecting pathway names of interest to the user.

# DEG_deseq2
## Conversion
GO_deseq2 = bitr(GO_deseq2, fromType="ENTREZID", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb="org.Hs.eg.db")
'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
GO_deseq2 <- GO_deseq2$SYMBOL

# Usage Example
# count
count_threshold <- 12
result_threshold_deseq2 <- pathway_count(GO_deseq2, count_threshold, erich.go.BP.outdata_deseq2)
# Print the results
head(result_threshold_deseq2, 5)
           Symble                             Description Exists
1           ADIRF immunoglobulin mediated immune response      0
2 ATP6V1G2-DDX39B immunoglobulin mediated immune response      0
3           BANCR immunoglobulin mediated immune response      0
4           BOLA2 immunoglobulin mediated immune response      0
5         C1QTNF5 immunoglobulin mediated immune response      0
# List of selected pathway names
selected_pathways_names <- c("immunoglobulin production", "production of molecular mediator of immune response")
# Use function
result_names_deseq2 <- pathway_description(GO_deseq2, selected_pathways_names, erich.go.BP.outdata_deseq2)
# View the results
head(result_names_deseq2, 5)
           Symble               Description Exists
1           ADIRF immunoglobulin production      0
2 ATP6V1G2-DDX39B immunoglobulin production      0
3           BANCR immunoglobulin production      0
4           BOLA2 immunoglobulin production      0
5         C1QTNF5 immunoglobulin production      0

8.7.9 Label highly and lowly expressed genes and annotate corresponding colors

selected_genes_deseq2 <- result_threshold_deseq2 %>%
  dplyr::filter(Exists == 1) %>%
  dplyr::select(Symble) %>%

# Invoke the function
result_deseq2 <- gene_color(selected_genes_deseq2, Diff_deseq2, "#0000EE", "#fc4746")

# Add gene highlights to the plot
add_gene_highlights_p3 <- highlight_genes(p2, result_deseq2, hilight_extend = 26)


8.7.10 heatmap

p4<- gheatmap(
  add_gene_highlights_p3+ geom_tiplab(offset=15,size=2.5),
  width = 1, 
  colnames_offset_y = 0.5,
  font.size= 2, 
  hjust = 0)+ scale_fill_gradientn(colors = c(low = "#c2d5e5", high = "steelblue"))
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

8.7.11 ggtreeExtra::geom_fruit

## Shorten a name that was too long
result_threshold_deseq2$Description <- gsub("adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains",
                                            "adaptive immune response", result_threshold_deseq2$Description)

# Enhance the visualization with additional scale and elements
p7 <- p4 + new_scale_fill() +
  geom_fruit(data = result_threshold_deseq2, geom = geom_tile,
              mapping = aes(y = Symble, x = Description, alpha = Exists, fill = Description),
              color = "grey50", pwidth = 0.5, offset = 1.02, size = 0.02) +
  scale_alpha_continuous(range = c(0.2, 0.8),
                          guide = guide_legend(keywidth = 0.3, keyheight = 0.3,  order = 2)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#CD6600", "#009933", "#0000EE", "#9B30FF", "#FF4040"), guide = guide_legend(keywidth = 0.3, keyheight = 0.3, order = 2))


8.7.12 Bar plot section

# offset: Adjust the spacing between each bar
p8 <- p7 + new_scale_fill() + 
  geom_fruit(data = Diff_deseq2, geom = geom_bar, mapping = aes(y = ID, x = log_pvalue, fill = "log_pvalue"), pwidth = 0.3, offset = 0.1, orientation = "y", stat = "identity") +
  geom_fruit(data = Diff_deseq2, geom = geom_bar, mapping = aes(y = ID, x = log2FoldChange, fill = "log2FoldChange"), pwidth = 0.3, offset = 0.2, orientation = "y", stat = "identity") +
  geom_fruit(data = Diff_deseq2, geom = geom_bar, mapping = aes(y = ID, x = average, fill = "average"), pwidth = 0.3, offset = 0.04, orientation = "y", stat = "identity") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("log_pvalue" = "#87CEFA", "log2FoldChange" = "#FFC125", "average" = "#7B68EE"))


9 Reference